
The author wishes to acknowledge the sincere effort, of following providing valuable input and advices which made this project possible. May Allah (سبحانه وتعالى)
accept their efforts. (Ameen)

Dr. Absar Ahmed (Ph.D.)

President Markazi Anjuman Khuddam-ul-Quran

Text Reviwer-Complete text

Prof. Anis Ahmad (Ph.D.)

Vice Chancellor RIPHAH International University

Text Reviwer-First fifty pages

Sumaira Khalid (M.A. Philosophy)


Text Reviwer-Complete text

Atif Waheed

Incharge Islamic Research Quran Academy

Text Reviwer-Arabic translations

Mufti Muhammad Ismael Tooro

Text Reviwer-Complete text

Zahid Saleem (M.f.A)

Visualizer and Design Consultant

Muhammad Azhar Masood

Assistant Designer

Abdul Ahad Shamsi

Junior Assistant Designer

Dr. Ghazala Nadeem

My wife who endlessly provided me with the support to complete this work.

Dr. Israr Ahmad (Late)

He is my spritual inspiration